Hello family and friends!
As you know, Brad and I announced a week ago that I am pregnant! Today puts me at 12 weeks pregnant and I must say, I never thought this day would come! I thought I'd used this post to answer a few questions that I get asked a lot....
1) Have you been sick?
Yes! I started getting sick at the end of week 5. I went three days without keeping anything down. Then my good friend and recent mom, Aliesha Caldwell, told me that the doctor can prescribe medicine for that! Woohoo! At least that kept my food down. My most prevalent symptoms were nausea, heartburn, and fatigue! I had no idea that pregnancy causes women to feel so tired! Some days literally felt like I had been hit by a bus and I had no choice but to sleep for a while.
2) Were you on birth control?
Before marriage, Brad and I studied the effects of birth control and learned that it can cause spontaneous abortion. Due to our strong convictions that life begins at the moment of fertilization, we felt as though we could not morally do anything that may cause the death of our own child. Therefore, we only used non-hormonal barrier methods. I strongly believe, however, that even if I had been on the pill, I still would be pregnant right now. God knows each of us before we are born and He numbers our days! If He wants a woman to be pregnant, she will get pregnant! If He can make a virgin conceive a baby that was fully God and fully human, He can definitely over ride a "99.9% effective" birth control.
3) Will I quit my job after having a baby?
Obviously, I will do whatever the Lord tells me to do, but unless He says otherwise, I have no intentions of quitting my job. I absolutely love what I do. I have a flexible schedule and I'm able to just bring Baby Milks along to a lot of what I do throughout the day.
4) Have you thought of any names yet?
Brad and I have discussed some names, but nothing is set in stone. We really like the name Elijah for a boy. Some of our other picks for boys are Jeremiah, Josiah, and Brennan. As for girls, we don't really have a top pick. I really like the name Brinnan or some form of it like Brinna but we'll have to wait and see. We don't find out gender until the end of January or beginning of February.
I can't think of any more questions to answer as of right now!
Happy almost Thanksgiving to you all! Love, Kristin and Brad